Lecture by Fran Silvestre at MArch



On October 16, the Centre Octubre in Valencia was the setting for a lecture given by Fran Silvestre, director of the MArch Valencia graduate school associated with the European University and a renowned architect. This was the first lecture of the course.

During his talk, Fran Silvestre offered a comprehensive overview of the projects developed by his studio, Fran Silvestre Arquitectos, highlighting the innovative and sustainable approach that characterises his work. The talk not only served as an introduction to the fundamental concepts of his practice, but also stimulated dialogue about current trends in architecture.

Throughout the presentation, Fran Silvestre shared details about emblematic projects, explaining the creative process that guides his team in the realization of works that fuse functionality and aesthetics. He spoke about the importance of natural light, the relationship with the environment and the search for harmony between design and nature, concepts that are pillars in his architectural approach. In addition, he presented several case studies that illustrated how the studio has addressed specific challenges in different contexts, always with a commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency. This methodology not only enriches the design process, but also seeks to generate spaces that improve the quality of life of its users.

La ponencia ha culminado con un intercambio de ideas entre Fran Silvestre y los estudiantes, quienes han tenido la oportunidad de plantear preguntas y reflexionar sobre las prácticas arquitectónicas en la actualidad. Esta interacción ha permitido a los alumnos obtener una comprensión más profunda de la filosofía de diseño de Fran Silvestre, así como de los retos y oportunidades que enfrenta la arquitectura contemporánea. El que la de Fran Silvestre haya sido la primera de las numerosas conferencias que los alumnos van a poder escuchar durante el curso no solo marca el inicio de un nuevo año académico en la MArch Valencia, sino que también reafirma el compromiso de la escuela por ofrecer a sus estudiantes una formación de vanguardia, fomentando la creatividad y la innovación en el ámbito de la arquitectura.


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