Daniel Rueda, Happytecture



The architect and designer Daniel Rueda, MArch student from the first class, together with Anna Devís, with whom he forms a creative duo that has acquired recognition around the world, having been included in the Forbes 30 Under 30 list, has now published a first book that collects his most relevant works.

The book, titled Happytecture and published by Counter-Print, is an illustrated volume of almost one hundred and seventy pages that offers an exhaustive review of the creative duo’s work. It gives rise to a careful ordering of the images, providing an opportunity to give more depth to the photographs. It is a photobook that allows images to be grouped into series, offering a more cohesive experience.

In fact, it is structured into three main sections that contextualize various lines of his work. The first section, called Curiocities, invites the reader to take a closer look at the little wonders found on the streets. From doors and windows to trees and large architectural complexes, such as the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències, they acquire a new life through the eyes of the creative duo.

Closely followed by the Pink-a-boo! section, where artists play an exciting game of tag on Calpe’s famous Red Wall, presenting a challenge in interpreting an already saturated space designed by Ricardo Bofill. In the third section of the book, titled What the hat, the background loses prominence, although it remains essential to narrate the story. Here, the hat takes center stage, transforming from a simple fashion accessory to a crucially important item.


MArch Valencia. Arquitectura y Diseño

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